graph TD;
A[Create Batch] --> B[Add Orders to Batch];
B --> C{Make Changes to Orders in Batch};
C --> D[Add More Orders to Batch];
C --> E[Remove Orders from Batch];
C --> F[Move Orders from one Batch to another];
B -.-> J[Change Batch Details];
C -.-> J;
D --> G{Make more changes to Orders in Batch};
E --> G;
F --> G;
G -->|Yes| C;
G -->|No| H[Process Batch];
H --> I[Retrieve Labels];
J -.-> H;
classDef decision fill:#ffffe0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
click A "/docs/orders/manage-order-batches.html" "Go to Create Batch Guide"
click B "/docs/orders/manage-order-batches.html" "Go to Add Orders to Batch Guide"
click D "/docs/orders/manage-order-batches.html" "Go to Add More Orders to Batch Guide"
click E "/docs/orders/manage-order-batches.html" "Go to Remove Orders from Batch Guide"
click F "/docs/orders/manage-order-batches.html" "Go to Move Orders from one Batch to another Guide"
click H "/docs/labels/process-batch-labels.html" "Go to Process Batch Guide"
click I "/docs/labels/process-batch-labels.html" "Go to Retrieve Labels Guide"